+ Îòâåòèòü â òåìå
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Ïîêàçàíî ñ 1 ïî 25 èç 69


Êîìáèíèðîâàííûé ïðîñìîòð

  1. #1


    Kickflip (Êèêôëèï)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå ñðåäíèé ïàëåö íà òåéë è óêàçàòåëüíûé - íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîé îò âàñ ñòîðîíå ôèíãåðà, ïîáëèæå ê òåéëó. (Á) Äåëàåì ùåë÷îê ñðåäíèì è íàæèìàåì ïàëüöåì, êîòîðûé áûë íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîé ñòîðîíå ôèíãåðà, íà ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñòîðîíó, íà êîòîðîé îí íàõîäèòñÿ. Òàê ó âàñ äîëæíî ïîëó÷èòüñÿ çàêðó÷èâàíèå ôèíãåðà. (Â) À òåïåðü - ïûòàåìñÿ ïðèçåìëèòñÿ. Ôèíãåð æåëàòåëüíî ïîñòàâèòü íà êîëåñà!

    Hardflip (Õàðäôëèï)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå âàø óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö íà íîóç ôèíãåðà. (Á) Ïîñòàâüòå âàø ñðåäíèé ïàëåö íà ñåðåäèíó òåéëà. (Â) Æìèòå âàøèì ñðåäíèì ïàëüöåì íà òåéë, âåäèòå ðóêó ââåðõ è ðåçêî ùåëêàåòå âàøèì óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöåì íà íîóç, ÷òîáû ïîëó÷èòü çàêðóòêó ôèíãåðà â ïåðåä. (Ã) Ïûòàåìñÿ ïðèçåìëèòüñÿ àíàëîãè÷íî êèêôëèïó.

    Pressure Flip (Ïðåææóý Ôëèï)
    (À) Ïîìåñòèòå âàø ñðåäíèé ïàëåö ðÿäîì ñ òåéëîì òàê, ÷òîáû êàñàòüñÿ êðàÿ ôèíãåðà, íî íå ñòîÿòü íà íåì. (Á) Óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ðàçìåñòèòå íà øêóðêå â ëþáîå, óäîáíîå äëÿ âàñ ìåñòî. (Á) Ðåçêî äàâèì ïî òåéëó ñðåäíèì ïàëüöåì â òðàåêòîðèè äâèæåíèÿ ôèíãåðà. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëåíèå - êàê îáû÷íî.

    Heelflip (Õèëôëèï)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå îäèí ïàëåö íà õâîñò, à äðóãîé òàê, êàê îí, ïî èäåå, äîëæåí ñäåëàòü êðó÷åíèå, îáðàòíîå êèêôëèïó. (Á) Äåëàåì ùåë÷îê òåéëîì è çàêðó÷èâàåì ôèíãåð â îáðàòíîì êèêôëèïó íàïðàâëåíèè. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Back Foot Impossible (Áýê Ôóò Èìïîñèáë)
    (À) Ñðåäíèé ïàëåö ñòàâèì íà öåíòð òåéëà, à óêàçàòåëüíûé íà öåíòð ôèíãåðà. (Á) Ùåëêàåì ñðåäíèì ïàëüöåì, ïåðåâîðà÷èâàÿ ôèíãåð ÷åðåç òåéë, äåëàÿ, êàê áû, áýêôëèï, íî ñðåäíèé ïàëåö îñòàåòñÿ â ñîïðèêîñíîâåíèè ñ ôèíãåðîì. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå. Òðåáóåò ïðàêòèêè .

    The Brain (Çý Áðåéí)
    (À) Ïàëüöû - ñðåäíèé íà òåéë, óêàçàòåëüíûé íà öåíòð ôèíãåðà. Äåëàåì Ìýíüþàë. (Á) Ïåðåìåùàåì óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ïîä ôèíãåð, ïîçàäè, âïëîòíóþ ê ïåðâûì ïîäâåñêàì. (Â) Âåäåì óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ââåðõ, ïîêà ôèíãåð íå ñäåëàåò ïåðåâîðîò. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ, êàê äóøå óãîäíî, ãëàâíîå - â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ÏÐÀÂÈËÀÌÈ .

    360 Flip (Ôðèõàíäðåò-Ñèêñòè Ôëèï)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå âàø ñðåäíèé ïàëåö íà òåéë, òàê, ÷òîáû îí íåìíîãî ñâèñàë. (Á) Óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ïîñòàâüòå íà öåíòð ôèíãåðà. (Â) Ùåëêíèòå òåéëîì, âàøèì óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöåì äàâèòå â íèç, è, ïðè ýòîì, âåäèòå ñðåäíèé ïàëåö ê ñåáå, äåëàÿ çàêðóòêó. Äîëæåí ïîëó÷èòñÿ 360 Flip. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Front Back Kickflip (Ôðîíò Áýê Êèêôëèï)
    (À) Äåëàåòå êèêôëèï âàøèì óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöåì. (Á) Æäåòå, ïîêà ôèíãåðáîðä ïðîôëèïóåò îäèí ðàç, ïîòîì ôëèïóåòå åãî ñðåäíèì ïàëüöåì (Â) Ïîòîì äåëàåòå ìüþò. (Ä) Íå âîëíóéòåñü, åñëè íå ïîëó÷àåòñÿ. ß ñàì íå ìîãó .

    Ollie Impossible (Îëëè Èìïîñèáë)
    (À) Òîæå, ÷òî è Õàðäôëèï, òîëüêî ñèëüíåé äàâèòü íà òåéë, ÷òî áû ôèíãåð ïðîâåðíóëñÿ âîêðóã âàøåãî ñðåäíåãî ïàëüöà.(Á) Íàäî ñäåëàòü êàê ìèíèìóì îäèí ïîëíûé, 360 ãðàäóñîâ, ïåðåâîðîò. Â íàñòîÿùåé æèçíè (âèäèìî - ðåàëüíûé ñêåéòèíã - ïðèì. Ïåð.), ýòî íàçûâàåòñÿ Ìåòåîð ("Shooting Star" - "Øóòèíã Ñòàð").

    Inverted Ollie Impossible (Èíâåðòèä Îëëè Èìïîñèáë)
    (À) Äåëàåì îëëè. (Á) Êîãäà ôèíãåð íàõîäèòñÿ â âîçäóõå âåðòèêàëüíî, ðåçêî äàâèì íà íîóç, ÷òîáû äîñêà ñäåëàëà îáîðîò âîêðóã âàøåãî óêàçàòåëüíîãî ïàëüöà, ñîïðèêàñàÿñü ñ íèì. Íóæíî íåìíîãî ïîòðåíèðîâàòüñÿ, ÷òî áû íîðìàëüíî ïðèçåìëÿòñÿ .

    Airwalk (Ýéðóîê)
    (À) Äåëàåì îëëè, ïîòîì êèêôëèï èëè åùå ÷åãî - íè áóäü, â ýòîì äóõå. (Á) Îñòàâëÿåì äîñêó â ñâîáîäíîì ïîëåòå, à óêàçàòåëüíûì è ñðåäíèì ïàëüöàìè èçîáðàæàåì õîäüáó èëè áåã. (Â) Êîãäà íàáåãàåòåñü, ñíîâà ðóêó íà ôèíãåð, ïðèçåìëåíèå Ñìîòðèòñÿ ïðèêîëüíî .

    Impossible (Èìïîñèáë)
    (À) Äðóæíî äåëàåì îëëè. (Á) Ùåëêàåì áåçûìÿííûì ïàëüöåì òàê, ÷òî áû ôèíãåð ñäåëàë êðóã âîêðóã ñðåäíåãî ïàëüöà.

    Ike Flip (Àéê Ôëèï)
    (À) Äåëàåì ïîëîâèíó îëëè èìïîñèáë. (Á) Äåëàåì ïðè ïîìîùè ñðåäíåãî ïàëüöà êèêôëèï îäèí ðàç. (Â) Ìÿãêîå, íåæíîå ïðèçåìëåíèå .

    Inverted Ike Flip (Èíâåðòèä Àéê Ôëèï)
    (À) Òîæå, ÷òî è àéê ôëèï, òîëüêî äåëàåòñÿ Õèëôëèï âìåñòî Êèêôëèïà. (Á) Ïðèçåìëåíèå àíàëîãè÷íî.

    Ollie Impossible Reversal (Îëëè Èìïîñèáë Ðåâåðøë)
    (À) Äåëàåì îëëè èìïîñèáë. (Á) Êîãäà ñäåëàåòñÿ ïîëîâèíà. (Â) Äåëàåì îáðàòíîå äåéñòâèå .

    Frontside Heelflip Varial (Ôðîíòñàéä Õèëôëèï Âýðèàë)
    (À) Íàéäèòå âîçâûøåíèå íàä çåìëåé, ïðèìåðíî 15-25 ñì (äëÿ îòðàáîòêè òðþêà). (Á) Ïîñòàâüòå âàø óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûé êðàé äåêè, ìåæäó ïåðåäíèìè ïîäâåñêàìè è ñðåäíèì ïàëüöåì, ïîñòàâëåííûì íà òåéë, êàê ìîæíî áëèæå ê âàì. (Á) Ìåäëåííî ïîäúåçæàéòå ê êðàþ âîçâûøåíèÿ è (Â) ùåëêàåòå òåéëîì è âåäåòå åãî îò ñåáÿ. (Ã) Äîñêà äîëæíà ìåäëåííî ïðîôëèïîâàòü. (Ä) Ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ. Ïîâòîðÿåì òðþê, ïîêà îí íå íà÷íåò ïîëó÷àòñÿ .

    Nollie Flip (Íîëëè Ôëèï)
    Äëÿ íà÷àëà - íàäî óìåòü äåëàòü íîëëè. Íîëëè ôëèï - ýòî íîëëè ñ Áýê ôóò êèêôëèï. Ñåé÷àñ âû äîëæíû ñäåëàòü íîëëè áûñòðåå, ÷åì îáû÷íî, è ôèíãåð äîëæåí áûòü âûðîâíåí ðàíüøå. (À) Ïàëüöû: ñðåäíèé íà íîóç, óêàçàòåëüíûé - íà òåéë. (Á) Ùåëêàåì íîóçîì, âûðàâíèâàåì ôèíãåðuse è, êîãäà ôèíãåð íà÷íåò ïîäíèìàòüñÿ, (Â) äåëàåì êèêôëèï âàøèì óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöåì. Äàåì äîñêå îäèí ðàç ïðîôëèïîâàòü, (Ã) ïîòîì ñòàíîâèìñÿ íà äîñêó òàê, êàê áóäòî âû ñäåëàëè ïðîñòîé êèêôëèï, (Ä) ïðèçåìëåíèå!

    Varial Flip (Âýðèàë Ôëèï)
    (À) Äî âûïîëíåíèÿ ýòîãî òðþêà, âû äîëæíû óìåòü äåëàòü ïîï øóâ-èò è êèêôëèï. (Á) Ñðåäíèé ïàëåö - íà òåéë, óêàçàòåëüíûé - íà êðàé ôèíãåðà, ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûé ê âàì. (Â) Ùåëêàåòå òåéëîì, îäíîâðåìåííî äåëàåì ïîï-øóâ-èò è êèêôëèï, êîãäà äîñêà ñäåëàåò îáîðîò â 180 ãðàäóñîâ, (Ã) ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Sex Change (Ñýêñ ×åèíæ)
    (À) Äðóæíî äåëàåì êèêôëèï. (Á) Ïîâîðà÷èâàåì ðóêó íà 180 ãðàäóñîâ. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ ðîâíî íà âèíòû!

    The Phobia Flip (Çý Ôîáèà Ôëèï)
    The Phobia Flip (Çý Ôîáèà Ôëèï)

    Late Flip (Ëýéò Ôëèï)
    Ýòî íå ñòîëüêî òðþê, ñêîëüêî åãî âàðèàöèÿ.  áîëüøèíñòâå ñëó÷àåâ ïðèìåíÿåòñÿ äëÿ ñïðûãèâàíèÿ ñ "ëåñòíèö" èëè "ðåéëîâ". (À) Ïîñëå òîãî êàê âû ñäåëàåòå îëëè ñ îäíîãî èç âûøå óïîìÿíóòûõ îáúåêòîâ, (Á) â ïîñëåäíþþ ñåêóíäó äî ïðèçåìëåíèÿ äåëàåòå êèêôëèï. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü.

    3rd Dimension finger flip (MU) (Ôèðäò Äèìýíøí Ôèíãåð Ôëèï)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå âàø óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö íà òåéë äîñêè è ùåëêàåòå òàê, ÷òîáû äîñêà ñäåëàëà ïåðåâîðîò íà âíåøíþþ ñòîðîíó ðóêè (æåëàòåëüíî - íà ïåðâûå ôàëàíãè óêàçàòåëüíîãî è ñðåäíåãî ïàëüöåâ). (Á) Áîòîì âåäåòå ðóêó ââåðõ òàê, ÷òîáû ôèíãåð ñëåòåë ñ ðóêè è ñäåëàë êèêôëèï (èëè äðóãîé àíàëîãè÷íûé òðþê), ò.å. âàì íàäî çàêðóòèòü äîñêó. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü.

    The Brandon (MU) (Çý Áðýíäîí)
    (À) Ïîäñòàâëÿåòå âàø óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ïîä íîóç, ìèçèíåö - ïîä òåéë, ñðåäíèé è áåçûìÿííûé ïàëüöû - íà ñåðåäèíó äîñêè (íà øêóðêó). (Á) Ïîäíèìàåòå ðóêó ââåðõ, íà ñêîëüêî ìîæåòå. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü. (Ã) Ìîë÷à óõîäèòå :. (Ñòðàííûé òðþê 8| - ïðèì. ïåð.)

    The Knuckler (MU) (Çý Êíàêëåð)
    (À) Äåëàåòå îëëè êàê ìîæíî âûøå. (Á)  âîçäóõå äåëàåòå ÷àñòü "À" îò òðþêà ôèðäò äèìýíøí ôèíãåð ôëèï. (Â) Äåëàåòå ÷àñòü "Á" îò òðþêà ôèðäò äèìýíøí ôèíãåð ôëèï. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü íà ðåéë, ëåñòíèöó èëè àíàëîãè÷íîå ïðåïÿòñòâèå.

    Taco Flip (MU) (Òýêî Ôëèï)
    First you lay the board on its side with the trucks facing you press down and slide your finger towered you the board should flip in the air try to land smooth and ride away

    The Mike Finger Flip (Çý Ìàéê Ôèíãåð Ôëèï)
    Òðþê íàäî äåëàòü â ðàìïå. (À) "Âçëåòèòå" ñ ðàìïû. (Á) Ïîäñòàâüòå áåçûìÿííûé ïàëåö ïîä òåéë. (Â) Ðåçêî ïîâåäèòå áåçûìÿííûé ïàëåö ââåðõ, à óêàçàòåëüíûé ó ñðåäíèé ñ äîñêè óáåðèòå. (Ã) Ïîçâîëüòå ôèíãåðó ñäåëàòü îäèí - äâà îáîðîòà. (Ä) Ìÿãêàÿ ïîñàäêà.

    Cheapy Sneaky (×èïè Ñíåêè)
    (À) Âåäèòå ôèíãåð íà ìàëåíüêîé ñêîðîñòè, çàòåì îñòàíîâèòåñü. (Á) Ïîäñòàâüòå îáà ïàëüöà ïîä ôèíãåð òàê, ÷òîáû ñðåäíèé ïàëåö áûë ïîä òåéëîì, à óêàçàòåëüíûé - ïîä ñåðåäèíîé ôèíãåðà. (Â) Ïîâåäèòå ðóêó ââåðõ. Ôèíãåð äîëæåí ñäåëàòü îäèí ôëèï è ïðèçåìëèòñÿ íà êîëåñà.

    Monkey Flipper (Ìàíêè Ôëèïïåð)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Äåëàåì ìåòîä, çàòåì ôðîíò ôëèï. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Crazy Bones (Êðýéçè Áîóíñ)
    (À) Äåëàåòå áýêôëèï, ÷òîáû ôèíãåð ïðèçåìëèëñÿ íà âíåøíþþ ñòîðîíó óêàçàòåëüíîãî è ñðåäíåãî ïàëüöåâ. (Á) Ïîòîì ñðåäíèé ïàëåö âåäèòå ââåðõ, ÷òîáû ôèíãåð ñäåëàë ôðîíò ôëèï. (Â) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Finger Flip (Ôèíãåð Ôëèï)
    (À) Äåëàåòå îëëè. (Á) Ïîòîì áüåòå âàøèì áîëüøèì ïàëüöåì ïî äîñêå, ÷òîáû ñäåëàòü êèêôëèï èëè õèëôëèï. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü

    Cross Up Impossible (Êðîññ Àï Èìïîñèáë)
    (À) Ïîñòàâüòå îäèí ïàëåö íà íîóç, à äðóãîé - ïîä öåíòð äýêè. (Á) Âåäåì ïàëåö ¹2 ââåðõ, ÷òîáû äîñêà ñäåëàëà îáîðîò. (Â) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Swanna Flip (Ñâîííà Ôëèï)
    (À) Íà íèçêîé ñêîðîñòè äåëàåòå íîóç ãðýá, (Á) òÿíèòå ôèíãåð â âîçäóõ - âïåðåä, (Â) ïîòîì ðåçêî âåäèòå â ïðîòèâîïîëîæíóþ ñòîðîíó è îòïóñòèòå äîñêó. Îíà äîëæíà ñäåëàòü îäèí îáîðîò. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Underflip (Àíäåðôëèï)
    (À)  âîçäóõå: óáèðàåòå âàøè óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé ïàëüöû ñ äîñêè è ïîäñòàâëÿåòå èõ ïîä ôèíãåð. (Á) Çàêðó÷èâàåòå äîñêó òàê, ÷òîáû ñäåëàòü êèêôëèï. (Â) Ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü.

    Super Flip (Ñóïý Ôëèï)
    (À) Ùåëêàåòå õâîñòîì íàñòîëüêî ñèëüíî, íàñêîëüêî âîçìîæíî ÷åëîâåêó. Äîñêà äîëæíà óëåòåòü âûñîêî â âîçäóõ. (Â) Ëîâèòå äîñêó è ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü

  2. #2
    Tail Grab (Òåéë Ãðýá)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå îëëè èëè "âçëåòèòå" ñ ðàìïû. (Á) Çàõâàòèòå òåéë áîëüøèì è ñðåäíèì ïàëüöàìè. (Â) Îòïóñòèòå ôèíãåð äî, êàê ïðèçåìëèòåñü. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Nose Grab (Íîóç Ãðýá)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå îëëè èëè "âçëåòèòå" ñ ðàìïû. (Á) Çàõâàòèòå íîóç áîëüøèì è óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöàìè. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Board Grab (Áîðä Ãðýá)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå îëëè èëè "âçëåòèòå" ñ ðàìïû. (Á) Ñäåëàéòå áîëüøèì ïàëüöåì çàõâàò äîñêè ìåæäó ïîäâåñêàìè. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Japan Air (Äæýïýí Ýéð)
    Äåëàåòñÿ íà ðàìïå, âåðòå èëè ïîñëå îëëè. (À) Êîãäà ôèíãåð áóäåò â âîçäóõå, èçîãíèòå âàøè óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé ïàëåö òàê, ÷òîáû ôèíãåð "ñìîòðåë" ðèñóíêîì íà âàñ. (Á) Ïîòîì, áîëüøèì ïàëüöåì ñäåëàéòå çàõâàò ïîñåðåäèíå äîñêè. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå - óáèðàåì áîëüøîé ïàëåö, ñðåäíèé è óêàçàòåëüíûé - ðàñïðÿìëÿåì.

    Rocket Air (Ðîêèò Ýéð)
    Äåëàåòñÿ â ðàìïå èëè âåðòå. (À) Ïåðåä "âçëåòîì" ñáàâüòå ñêîðîñòü. Êîãäà îêàæåòåñü â âîçäóõå, ñõâàòèòå òåéë áåçûìÿííûì è áîëüøèì ïàëüöàìè, à óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé íàõîäÿòñÿ íà øêóðêå. Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Darkside (Äàðêñàéä)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå ïîëîâèíó êèêôëèïà. (Á) Ñõâàòèòå ôèíãåð ïî öåíòðó âàøèìè óêàçàòåëüíûì è ñðåäíèì - íà ðèñóíêå, áîëüøèì - íà øêóðêå. (Â) Îòïóñòèòå ôèíãåð, äåëàÿ ïðè ýòîì îñòàâøóþñÿ ÷àñòü êèêôëèïà. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    D Grab (Äè Ãðýá)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå îëëè. (Á) Áîëüøèì è óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöàìè ñõâàòèòå ôèíãåð òàê, ÷òî áû ïàëüöû áûëè íà êîíöàõ íîóçà è òåéëà ñîîòâåòñòâåííî. Îòïóñòèòå ôèíãåð è ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Nollie D (Íîëëè Äè)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå íîëëè, (Á) â âîçäóõå ñäåëàéòå äè ãðýá. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    Super Man (Ñóïý Ìýí)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Çàõâàòèòå äîñêó âàøèìè áîëüøèì è áåçûìÿííûì ïàëüöàìè. (Â) Îòïóñòèòå ôèíãåð, ñëåãêà "âûêèíóâ" âïåðåä. (Ã) Âñòàíüòå íà íåãî óêàçàòåëüíûì è ñðåäíèì ïàëüöàìè. (Ä) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Foot Stomp (Ôóò Ñòîì)
    (À) Ïîäñòàâüòå âàø óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö ïîä ôèíãåðáîðä, ñðåäíèé ïàëåö ïîñòàâüòå íà øêóðêó, ïðÿìî íàä óêàçàòåëüíûì. (Á) Ïðèæìèòå îáà ïàëüöà ê äîñêå, ïîòîì ïîäíèìèòå åå â âîçäóõ. (Â) Âñòàíüòå íà øêóðêó êîí÷èêàìè ïàëüöåâ. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü.

    Hand Plant (Õýíä Ïëýíò)
    Îáû÷íî, òðþê âûïîëíÿåòñÿ â ðàìïå. (À) Êàê ó ôóò Ñòîì. (Á) "Âçëåòàåòå". (Â) Âñòàåòå íà êðàé ðàìïû, îò êîòîðîãî èäåò ñïóñê, áîëüøèì ïàëüöåì, à ïàëüöû ñ äîñêîé òÿíèòå ââåðõ. (Ã) Êîãäà íàñòîèòåñü - îòïóñêàåòå ôèíãåð, âñòàåòå íà íåãî ïàëüöàìè è ñúåçæàåòå. (Ïî ìîåìó ìíåíèþ, ýòî - ñêîðåå ëèï òðþê - ïðèì. ïåð.)

    Mute (Ìüþò)
    Â âîçäóõå ïîñòàâüòå áîëüøîé ïàëåö íà øêóðêó, ìàëåíüêèé - íà ðèñóíîê.

    Method (Ìåòîä)
    Óêàçàòåëüíûé ïàëåö íàõîäèòñÿ íà òåéëå, áîëüøîé - ïîä òåéëîì.

    Indy Grab (Èíäè Ãðýá)
    Thumb is on top and middle (normal) or ring (goofy) so the graphics should be facing out in front of you

    Airwalk (Ýéðóîê)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå âûñîêîå îëëè âïåðåä è äâèãàéòå êîí÷èêè âàøèõ ïàëüöåâ òàê, ÷òîáû îíè ñòîÿëè òàì, ãäå íàõîäèëèñü áû ïÿòêè êàòàþùåãîñÿ íà ðåàëüíîì ñêåéòå. Ò.å. ïàëüöû íàõîäÿòñÿ íà ñàìîì êðàþ äîñêè. (Á) Âî âðåìÿ ïðèçåìëåíèÿ ïðîñòî "ïðîéäèòå" ïàëüöàìè íà öåíòð äîñêè è ïðèçåìëèòåñü. (Íå èìåþ ïîíÿòèÿ, êîèì îáðàçîì ýòîò òðþê îòíîñèòñÿ ê Ýéðóîê, îïèñàííîìó â ðàçäåëå Ôëèïû… - ïðèì. ïåð.)

    Early Grab (¨ðëè Ãðýá)
    Ýòî äåéñòâèòåëüíî òóïîé òðþê :, íî îí åñòü â ðåàëüíîì ñêåéòèíãå, òàê ÷òî… (À) Äî ïðûæêà ñäåëàéòå ëþáîé, êàêîé âàøåé äóøå óãîäíî ãðýá (ÿ ðåêîìåíäóþ ñêèññîðñ ãðýá). (Á) Ïîòîì ñëåãêà ïðèïîäíèìèòå äîñêó è âåðíèòå ïàëüöû â îáû÷íîå ïîëîæåíèå.

    Christ Air (Êðàéñò Ýéð)
    (À) Âàì íóæíî âûâåñòè ôèíãåð êàê ìîæíî âûøå â âîçäóõ. (Á) Ïîòîì íàïðàâüòå íîóç âíèç, è ïîäõâàòèòå òåéë âàøèìè óêàçàòåëüíûì è ñðåäíèì ïàëüöàìè. (Â) Âûïóñòèòå ôèíãåð, ïîñòàâüòå íà íåãî ïàëüöû, êàê îáû÷íî. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëÿéòåñü.

    Judo Àir (Äæþäî Ýéð)
    Ñäåëàéòå ìåòîä, òîëüêî âûñòàâüòå ñ äîñêè ñðåäíèé ïàëåö.

    Scissors Grab (Ñêèññîðñ Ãðýá)
    (À) Â âîçäõå ñêðåñòèòå óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé ïàëüöû è çàõâàòèòå èìè äåêó (óêàçàòåëüíûé ñâåðõó, ñðåäíèé ñíèçó).(Á) Äîñêà íå äîëæíà ïîäíèìàòüñÿ èëè îïóñêàòüñÿ ãîðèçîíòàëüíî.

    Sacktap (Ñýêòýï)
    Íàïîäîáèå ñêèññîðñ ãðýá, òîëüêî ñìåùåííûé ê òåéëó, ÷òîáû íèæíèé ïàëåö êàñàëñÿ ïîäâåñîê. Òðþê èç äåìêè THPS 2!

    Razor Man Grab (Ðýçîð Ìýí Ãðýá)
    Â âîçäóõå ïîñòàâüòå âàøè óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé ïàëüöû ïîä ôèíãåð è âåäèòå èõ â ðàçíûå ñòîðîíû äî óïîðà.

    Japan Air (Äæýïýí Ýéð)
    Äåëàåòñÿ íà ðàìïå, âåðòå èëè ïîñëå îëëè. (À) Êîãäà ôèíãåð áóäåò â âîçäóõå, èçîãíèòå âàøè óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé ïàëåö òàê, ÷òîáû ôèíãåð "ñìîòðåë" ðèñóíêîì íà âàñ. (Á) Ïîòîì, áîëüøèì ïàëüöåì ñäåëàéòå çàõâàò ïîñåðåäèíå äîñêè. (Â) Ïðèçåìëåíèå - óáèðàåì áîëüøîé ïàëåö, ñðåäíèé è óêàçàòåëüíûé - ðàñïðÿìëÿåì

    Rocket Air (Ðîêèò Ýéð)
    Äåëàåòñÿ â ðàìïå èëè âåðòå. (À) Ïåðåä "âçëåòîì" ñáàâüòå ñêîðîñòü. Êîãäà îêàæåòåñü â âîçäóõå, ñõâàòèòå òåéë áåçûìÿííûì è áîëüøèì ïàëüöàìè, à óêàçàòåëüíûé è ñðåäíèé íàõîäÿòñÿ íà øêóðêå. Ïðèçåìëåíèå

  3. #3
    50-50 (Ôèôòè - Ôèôòè)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Îïóñêàåìñÿ íà ðåéë è ãðàèíäèì îáîèìè ïîäâåñêàìè. (Â) Äåëàåì îëëè. (Ã) Ïðèçåìëåíèå.

    5-0 (Ôàéâ - Çýðî)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Ãðàèíäèì ïî ðåéëó òîëüêî íà çàäíèõ ïîäâåñêàõ. (Â) Ñïðûãèâàåì è ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Nose grind (Íîóç Ãðàèíä)
    Àíàëîãè÷íî ïðåäûäóùåìó, òîëüêî íà ïåðåäíèõ ïîäâåñêàõ.

    Tailslide (Òåéëñëàéä)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Ðàçâîðà÷èâàåì ðóêó íà 90 ãðàäóñîâ. (Â) Òåéëîì ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ íà ðåéë è ãðàèíäèì. (Â) Ñïðûãèâàåì è ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Noseslide (Íîóçñëàéä)
    (À) Îëëè. (Á) Ðàçâîðà÷èâàåì ðóêó íà 90 ãðàäóñîâ. (Â) Íîóçîì ïðèçåìëÿòüñÿ íà ðåéë è ãðàèíäèòü. (Ã) Ñïðûãèâàåì è ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Boardslide (Áîðäñëàéä)
    (À) Ïîäúåçæàåòå ê ðåéëó. (Á) Äåëàåì îëëè, ðàçâîðà÷èâàÿ â âîçäóõå ðóêó íà 90 ãðàäóñîâ. (Â) Öåíòðîì äåêè ïðèçåìëÿåòåñü íà ðåéë. (Ã) Ãðàèíäèì… (Ä) Êîãäà ðåéë êîí÷èòñÿ, ðàçâîðà÷èâàåì ðóêó îáðàòíî íà 90 ãðàäóñîâ. (Å) Áëàãîïîëó÷íî ïðèçåìëÿåìñÿ.

    Darkslide (Äàðêñëàéä)
    (À) è (Á) êàê ó áîðäñëàéäà. (Â) Âî âðåìÿ èñïîëíåíèÿ ïóíêòà Á, ñäåëàéòå ïîëîâèíó êèêôëèïà, è ïðèçåìëèòåñü øêóðêîé íà ðåéë, ïðè òîì - "íîãè" ñòîÿò íà êîíöàõ äåêè. (Ã) Ãðàèíäèì… (Ä) Êîãäà ðåéë êîí÷àåòñÿ, íàæèìàåì íà îäèí èç êîíöîâ äåêè, äàâ åé ïðîôëèïîâàòü è âñòàòü íà êîëåñà. (Å) Îäíîâðåìåííî ñ åå ïðèçåìëåíèåì, ñòàâèì íà ôèíãåð ðóêó.

    FS Tailslide (Ôðîíòñàéä Òåéëñëàéä)
    (À) Ïîäúåçæàåòå ê ðåéëó. (Á) Îëëè. (Â) Ðàçâîðà÷èâàåòå ôèíãåð íà 90 ãðàäóñîâ, ÷òîáû òåéë áûë ñïðàâà. (Ã) Îïóñêàåòåñü òåéëîì (îí òåïåðü ñïðàâà) íà ðåéë è ãðàèíäèòå. (Ä) Êîãäà áóäåòå "ñëåòàòü" ñ ðåéëà, ðàçâîðà÷èâàåòå ðóêó â ïðèâû÷íîå ïîëîæåíèå.

    Crooked Grind (Êðóêåä Ãðàèíä)
    Òî æå, ÷òî è 5-0, òîëüêî íà ïåðåäíèõ ïîäâåñêàõ, è ôèíãåð ïîâåðíóò â ñòîðîíó òàê, ÷òî áû îáà êîëåñà ïîäâåñêè êàñàëèñü ðåéëà, íî ôèíãåð ñòîÿë íà ïîäâåñêå (ôèíãåð ðàñïîëîæåí ïî÷òè ïåðïåíäèêóëÿðíî ðåéëó).

    Smith Grind (Ñìèò Ãðàèíä)
    (À) Äåëàåòå îëëè íà ðåéë.(Á)  âîçäóõå ðàçâîðà÷èâàåòå äîñêó íåìíîãî â ñòîðîíó îò âàñ, ÷òîáû ïåðåäíèå ïîäâåñêè ñâèñàëè ñ ðåéëà è áûëè íèæå çàäíèõ.(Â) Íà ñëåòå ñ ðåéëà, âîçâðàùàåòå ðóêó â íîðìàëüíîå ïîëîæåíèå

    Feeble Grind (Ôèáë Ãðàèíä)
    Òî æå, ÷òî è ñìèò ãðàèíä, òîëüêî ðàçâîðîò â ñòîðîíó, áëèæå ê âàì.

    Pig Grind (Ïèã Ãðàèíä)
    Òî æå, ÷òî è 5-0, òîëüêî óêàçàòåëüíûì ïàëüöåì, ðàçìåùàÿ åãî íà ïåðåäíèõ âèíòàõ, è äåðæà òàêèì îáðàçîì áàëàíñ.

    B-Grind (Áè - Ãðàèíä)
    (À) Ñäåëàéòå îëëè íà ðåéë. (Á) Ïðèçåìëèòåñü íà ðåéë áîêîì ôèíãåðà, ÷òîáû ðåéë áûë ìåæäó êðàåì ðåéëà è êîëåñàìè. (Â) Ñîéäèòå ñ ðåéëà ïðè ïîìîùè êèêôëèïà èëè õèëôëèïà.

  4. #4
    ÿ åòó òåìó ñîñäàë ÷òîáû áîëüøå íèêòî íå ñïðàøèâàë êàê äåëàòü êèê ,øóèò .....

  5. #5

    People 's Lovely christian Louboutin christian louboutin outlet New

    Many fashion icons such as the first class celebrities choose these shoes because their fashion stuff. This brand actually is popular to any or all women. Because these footwear is premium goods they are able christian louboutin uk cost someone quite a bit. It's nearly impossible for many individuals to get a pair of these shoes. So there can be Christian Louboutin fakes. These include replicas of original designer shoes and so are completely economical. So consumers are getting focused on it. But they're just confused about the as well as replicas. It brings many trouble to your brand. If you desire the best quality and better personality the optimal amount to order an original ones you can get.

    Christian Louboutin fakes are made with a similar care which has sucked in the creation of real ones. Using the initial design and detail level, these sneakers are formed. It's tough for a specialist to recognize a replica. They have already all kinds of things and especially the charm that exists in original Christian Louboutin. You can identify them after you bring them with you as well. You will observe the differences during the soles on the shoes and also size tag utilized for authentication.

    Not people all classes can afford a genuine pair of these amazing shoes. This is exactly why they look for those Christian Louboutin replicas. It really is a woman's plan to be attractive and Christian's shoes is capable of the special moment. But because the people of high middle and middle-class can' support that amount of expense for fashion purpose they hanker following your replica shoes. These sneakers can assist the property to meet their ultimate demand. Though it is reasonable, it can't always furnish you with mental satisfaction. So you can also seek christian louboutin outlet the genuine shoes on their official website where they have size amendment facility.

    As identical to the unique designer shoes, Louboutin fakes are long-lasting. These are comfortable perhaps up to the originals. It is therefore difficult to find out your real one it can be possible. The replica shoes are not made of genuine leather. Along with the original girls can be given an authentic dust bags with logo and a Christian Louboutin box. So be mindful and check out these products when you purchase a real one.

    Another major thing about original designer shoes is really because can stretch half their size. Usually Louboutin fakes never spread out after all. So while wearing a smaller size than your leg, you may face a trouble about replica shoes. That is to be really uncomfortable. More over, the originals are usually not bleached with chemicals. So there is absolutely no potential for developing a bad smell. Those are the issues really have to remember while buying a pioneering designer version.

  6. #6

    Replica Hermes Bags

    Only very shape of the Hermes Birkin and also the fabulous leather, the shades and also overall design makes your heart rhythm faster. But, alas, that one this would only remain a fantasy. Unfortunately, your not among those Hermes UK aristocratic women or someone whose great aunt left her an heirloom. Even though you walk around and feel like a princess, heart of heart you are aware that you are not one.

    Modest despair. There is help within the corner knowning that assistance is comprising Hermes Replica handbags. When you've got set your heart within the Hermes Birkin you possibly can have it, not considering your bank balance. You need not steal a bank to have the Hermes Birkin now. All you need to try, is recognize the right place to buy Hermes Bags at and will also be astonished at the wonderful contemplated owning one at a price tag which makes the eyes go as wide as saucers.

    When you're getting Hermes Replica handbags you don't need to care about what exactly is you and your family visiting imagine you having splurged on something so very expensive when everyone all-around you happen to be counting the pennies. This is due to a possibility expensive. The exclusive style and handle permit it to be identical to the original Birkin. Basic prices you need to consider buying them within colors and designs too. How lovely it could be any time you would've a handbag from each day's a few days and never having to repeat them. Well, in the option stated it could possibly turned into a possibility. Whenever you design your dollar go far and use it properly, you can easily certainly buy more handbags from your favorite Hermes brand.

    Therefore, go right ahead and believe that a princess. You needn't have a very tiara for your check out imagine that. The Hermes Birkin within your arm will do the. Then, whichever your attire is, all eyes would be drawn to the Birkin. One of the keys with you you will always be about the right side of favor. You should not ever concern yourself with making a fashion faux-pa when your handbag won't make it easier to.

    Thereafter, whenever that you really feel a little low, or things aren't going as you may would wish these phones, run your hands on the Birkin, your prized possession. Regardless of that it is a replica, feel the pleasure it may provide you with, the wonderful exotic leather that this happens to be crafted with, the strong and sturdy accessories onto it, the design which may include elegance and are instantaneously in a position to lift your mood. You will definitely feel that all's not lost having a Hermes with you.

  7. #7

    Hermes Birkin 40

    Vintage Hermes fashion silk scarf hits market trends with brand new creative ideas. This can be a big news that fashionistas cant afford to miss. At the official site of Hermes, a few range of chic and alluring silk scarves in a different colors, styles properly different patterns and feels. Now lets go and admire the wonder and magnificence embodied by those newly-launched exquisite silk scarves by Hermes.

    This package is definitely a square silk scarf with impeccable craftsmanship. Hermes promises the silk to remain the finest. For a high-end fashion items brand, Hermes uses finest material to shore up its fashion status and catches the eye of its customers high tastes. This square scarf, featuring dots and blue straps, is nearly conventional and allows the capability to point out the classic charisma of traditional silk scarves. It can be neither conspicuous nor unnoticeable, and consequently matches almost any occasion between beach holiday to shopping tour in malls. Anyway, it surely causes you to be seem exact same as in ordinary days.

    Ours has strong oriental flavor having a rosy color, which isnt often adopted on western fashion goods. The pattern is different lifting the model of entangled tissues which seem that being embroidered for the silk fabric. Just think that such type of tiny little bit of Hermes Bags silk scarf comes with the magic to deck get you started in a wide variety styles. It all relies upon how you don it as headgear and some tips you dress good.

    Certainly, girls will like this silk scarf because it is so lovely. The flower prints and colorful background brings our thoughts far away to your flower-spread paradise only depicted inside fable tales. I could truthfully imagine how you would resemble the lovely reaping girl eulogized by William Wordsworth within the lyrical poem when she wears it over her head. The idyllic air as displayed with that silk scarf surely clarifies that it's an indispensable fashion item through this lovely season.

    From these three silk scarf items we might have a peek at the appeal of Hermes silk scarves. However, Hermes will give you a good many more Hermes UK choices with some other styles of them like square silk scarves, large silk scarves, and long silk scarves. As every girl requires a gorgeous silk scarf to show the peculiar appeal exclusively owned by women, the popular launch of Hermes silk scarves really cant be missed.

  8. #8

    Hermes Victoria

    If you happen to haven't guessed already it should be their adoration for the fascinating realm of fashion. Mention fashion to the woman and see their eyes widen as wide as saucers and have that interesting gleam.

    Women typically begin with fashion world with zealous pursuit and fashion certainly rules their life. If they will never Hermes UK have interested in this money they likely would have certainly bought out the whole set of brands around the world nevertheless be applying for more. Women love brands as well as wonderful points that brands hand out every season. They can be great fans with the handbags from Hermes. Women love the joy of fashion and purses built together.

    They're betting that when they buy their most widely used and loved brand Hermes they get knockoff styles plus the better of fashions which may be carried by the Hermes Bags woman of substance. The revolutionary of trends as well as most advanced moves however you like are there any with the Hermes brand.

    The most famous outfits anywhere of fashionable handbags provide one with several designer alternatives. Issues are more than perfect relating to the Hermes handbags but exactly the prices which can really add gasping for breath. When you notice the price tag you may need to grasp about the nearest chair so that you can don't swoon. The cost these brands quote usually are not for that fainthearted certainly.

    But, it does not mean that you allow the rich women folk take control. Everyone is intended to generally be equal and you could repeat this by getting the Hermes Replica at all the down to earth prices. When you buy one such replicas you obtain a similar quality. From the moment you examine these handbags you'll be able to to witness it for your self.

    The Hermes Replica handbags provide the finest of golden brass pieces to increase the appropriate sheen towards your handbag. These little pieces of detailing give you an item this really is almost art and absolutely nothing in any respect crash with this. The zippered pockets guarantee the safety of one's valuables numerous experts segregate your mobile phone, trinkets, perfume, keys, lipsticks, and more that only you like a woman would know that must be imperative to take with them on hand. Someone would possibly not see the sum of emotional security and comfort that right handbag brings for ladies.

    So, here's the chance on a sunny to receive handbags that do not ever walk out of fashion and will turn into classic soon enough. You can put your handbag to run a test and check out rare to find out there fake out of your real and you're simply bound to fail.

  9. #9

    Hermes Wallets

    The French high fashion house Hermes is an expert in a wide range of products,including ready-to-wear clothing, leather goods and accessories and perfumes. The Hermes Fashion House was established in Paris as a general harness making shop in 1837 by Thierry Hermes (1801-1878).The queue was expanded while in the late 1879 by his son and successor, Charles-Emile Hermes to add in the production of saddles.

    During this time period a totally new retail location was opened outside the Palais de l Elysee. Following Charles-Emile's retirement,his sons Adolphe and Emile-Maurice assumed leadership in the company. They thought they would rename it to Hermes Freres. By this time they had been already selling saddles to customers as far abroad as Russia and Asia. Emile-Maurice became the first man flying insects the zipper in France, and obtained exclusive rights to its used leather clothing and accessories.

    In 1922 this company introduced its first handbags, and then in 1924 they secured a foothold in the states. 1929 saw the making of the first women fashion apparel collection in Paris. Hermes is renowned for the "Kelly Bag" which Grace Kelly made famous in 1956. The bag, was actually manufactured much earlier in 1930.

    In the 1930s they added the now famous Hermes scarf to their production,and hang up an avid scarf factory in 1937. More a new product were released during the next several years, including silk ties in 1946 and perfume in 1949.

    Emile-Maurice died in 1951,that should be succeeded by Robert Dumas-Hermes. Dumas was in connection with salinger sued by marriage only and thereby incorporated the Hermes name into his well-known. Robert was to blame for the roll-out of the Hermes Tie, the Beach towel as well as the Perfumes. Hermes ties would be the most coveted across the globe and command prices from $160.00 to just about $300.00 each. Today Hermes sells of greater than Hermes Bags a million ties annually, representing 10% of these annual sales.

    The 1970s brought vast international expansion,with shops opening surrounding the U . s, Japan and Europe. In spite of this the provider did start to falter and lagged behind its competitors. When Robert died in 1978 he was succeeded by his son Jean-Louis Dumas-Hermes. Jean-Louis is a definitive mitts on Chairman.He travels society extensively, returning ideas that are utilized in every facets of Hermes product. Within the 1990s, Hermes continued to inflate their series,venturing successfully into crystal and porcelain tableware.

    By 2008 Hermes had 14 divisions providing an extensive spectrum of merchandise,including menswear, perfume, womens fashion, footwear and jewellery. The business enterprise has over 20 boutiques in the usa alone. Hermes has long been a revered name around the world of fashion from the Hermes UK meticulous craftsmanship embodied overall the products and also prestige regarding them. Hermes sales are made up of 30% leather goods,15% clothes,12% scarves and 15% ties. Hermes clientele include such celebrities as Paris Hilton, Nicole Kid man, Julianne Moore, Elle Mac Pherson, Elizabeth Hurley and Madonna.

  10. #10

    Hermes Birkin

    You aren't only judged through your intellect, which comes down the line, but initially with the impression that you really make. No one wishes someone that dresses sloppily to always be within the helm of your Hermes UK ship. That are going to not perform a lot to the picture of the organization. An image does a number of things for your needs. It could possibly turned into the stepping-stone towards your future promotion, how to take advantage of the guy you really want, a fashion to make an assertive statement and every one of examples of these are possible have got the right image on you Hermes Bags.

    Now, you wonder, you will like to have the correct image but are you willing to must rob a bank for this. Not necessarily! Using the market abound with replicas of all types why on this planet should you want to pay for the brands themselves. Yes, you need to do which include the look and feel today, but same goes with you when you get your hair a replica.

    For people who have always wanted to purchase a Hermes handbag possibly at the same time frame your resolution 2010 can be to spend judiciously, you'll make these types of meet. All you need to complete is buy Hermes Replica handbags. Readily available to your along with the design, quality and the amazing colors the Hermes brand is famous for. They are for you with everything else that Hermes promises its discerning customers except the price tag it to be also, so very famous for.

    Therefore, when using the Hermes Replica handbags with you there's no stopping you in showcasing the glamorous and chic side people. It lets you feel among the list of positively elite and complicated crowds, one of the girls and aids you attach to that niche inner circle effortlessly. Which is what exactly Hermes symbolizes the chic understated elegance with all the latest of trendy fashion. The Hermes bags are certainly not all to easy to acquire.

    It may seem probably have the green bucks stashed away with the locker, the Hermes bags were made to order and there is a waiting listing of sometimes provided twelve months or two. Furthermore, they retail from simply the most exclusive of outlets which not may well be a store around where you're. But, conversely you shall not needlessly are presented with any of those failures of a Hermes replica. There are many stores available them at and then the wide solutions to your online.

  11. #11

    Hermes Card Case

    Concerning handbags, their charm is principally felt towards the ladies. One can find more and more females who are simply crazy in love with bags. Thus, on various occasions just like your marriage anniversary or about the birthday within your beloved friend you can gift a birkin bag to her.

    But now, should you be thinking is that it ability to gift birkin bag towards your beloved then it's extremely important to first find out what is indeed , special in Hermes birkins?

    Hermes birkins are made with the high-end leather goods and able to wear manufacturer Hermes. These bags are so special and exclusive that their price can begin from $7500 that will are 6 digit prices. Thus, these Hermes birkins could very well be taken while the thing of luxury which enables you to when making you look dissimilar to others.

    Now, if you wish to gift a birkin bag and then you're worried for your high costs, then no reason to worry in any respect. It's very since have exclusive collecting Hermes birkins at discounted price from Eurohandbag.

    Eurohandbag is usually a premier seller of large forms of handbags online. Your location searching for the Hermes birkins bags or Chloe handbag along with other handbag, it truly is positive that you must find at Eurohandbag. Thus, it is the most suitable option to acquire a unique birkin bag from Eurohandbag. If you want to learn about Discount Hermes Birkin Bags relating to this company, then it's better to browse on much of the important parts of this company. The various important options that come with this provider are listed as under:

    1.Large variety: The most crucial feature of Eurohandbag is it offers large kinds of handbags. There are various plus personalised bags available such as the Hermes birkins, Chloe handbags, Prada handbag, Bally handbag, Mulberry handbags and some others kinds bags. Thus, for finding the best not to mention extraordinary birkin bag or other bag, there is not any other preferred place than Eurohandbag.

    2.Selling point of customized design: Another essential feature of Eurohandbag is it provides option of delivering customized handbags to its customers. There are lots of leather selections additionally like togo, box calf, ostrich skin, crocodile skin etc. and help in as long as you training ease selection. Thus, it really is even possible to make your very own birkin bag at Eurohandbag.

    3.Highest quality: Another predominant feature you will get Hermes Australia Sale at Eurohandbag is that it offere quality bags to its customers. Unlike others or online shops, where main purpose for the company is probably to create so much profit as they can be such method not adopted at Eurohandbag. So, if you want only 1 or more and more Hermes birkins, its one of the most prudent act to consider Eurohandbag.

    4.Very best deals: The subsequent most vital feature of Eurohandbag is that it offers top quality products too at cheapest deals. You can get exclusive handbags along with various other extraordinary accessories from Eurohandbag at very inexpensive prices. Thus, best product at best price is the best looking feature of Eurohandbag.

    The aforementioned stated are equally couple of the important top features of Eurohandbag. So, try buying best value bags besides other accessories from Eurohandbag

  12. #12

    Hermes Passport Holder

    If you have never observed a Hermes handbag, it likely a particular that you choose to don qualify for the ich and famous?label in today elitist society. These bags are truly on top of the fashion world and definitely will inevitably hold this area for years to come. At a cost tag that starts during a mere $7,000, the majority of consumer is normally Hermes Australia Sale different to make this purchase.

    Perhaps you Hermes handbag so coveted? Incredible is a craftsmanship that enters into each individual bag. They're just handcrafted out of the finest leathers and animals skins. Also the clasp are unique and may also be generated from several different medals and precious materials. A Hermes handbag is truly a piece of art.

    Essentially the most popular of each of the Hermes bags is definitely the Birkin bag. It had been named after an encounter with Jane Birkin, an English bred singer and actress. Jean-Louis Dumas was at a flight with Birkin when she dumped the items in her purse on your platform on the plane. When the a couple of them talked, Dumas returned and designed the Hermes bag who was eventually named the Birkin bag.

    This Birkin bag instantly became about the most requested, even outselling the Hermes handbag, the Kelly. Having a two year waiting list, it easy to ascertain why you'll find small selection of available. This bag could be the absolute in any status symbol as well as the sale price can simply enter into the lots. A Birkin bag that is definitely encrusted with diamonds or utilizes a very rare animal print could be valued at over $100,000. A black alligator skin bag recently sold at a bidding for $64,000!

    Many celebrities proudly display their Hermes bag as it would be this type of status symbol. Few other finishing touches carry the burden of your Hermes handbag. Even USA Today recently completed a write-up inquiring if owning a Birkin bag got you best perks and treatment. While most who carry you would politely deny the special therapy, truthfully on the matter is that usually merely the elite carry the bag at the start.

    A number of the very popular celebrities that carry a Hermes handbag faithfully are Victoria Beckham, Gwenyth Paltrow, Lindsey Lohan, and Kate Moss. Victoria Beckham has over a hundred from the Hermes bags and Lindsey Lohan recently made the good news when probably hers was stolen at an airport.

    You won have a Birkin bag along at the Discount Hermes Birkin Bags Hermes website. You'll find one with only a premier site that offers exquisite bags, just like Eurohandbag, but youl pay quite a penny for doing this. Since most of the Hermes bags are just offered new at the Hermes boutiques, it is simple to discover why the unavailability of them boosts mystery.

    In closing, a Hermes handbag will continue to be a way icon for ages to return. A Birkin bag can be quite likely the very few finishing touches that basically holds or increases in their value. When only perfect will be alright, a Hermes handbag, especially a Birkin bag, will be strategy to use.

  13. #13

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  14. #14

    Hermes Constance

    The Hermes Birkin Handbag really some would call essential handbag. The Hermes Birkin is an icon of ultimate luxury and discovering how you can obtain a Hermes Birkin Handbag can be an obsession for a bit of. The Birkin continues to be affecting the corporate with the women of British Footballers as well as popular Tv like Sex in your City and Gilmore Girls among lots of others. The difficulty considering the handbags is because are incredibly elusive and difficult to produce buying a Hermes Birkin Handbag very difficult.

    The Hermes Birkin Handbag consists of the Hermes UK top exotic leather lined which includes a very supple and soft matching color goat skin. The hardware around the Hermes Birkin Handbag is constructed out of top quality materials typically plated with gold or palladium which is not going to tarnish like silver does. One alligator leather Hermes Birkin Handbag with diamond studded hardware was purchased for one record $64,000 plus at a bidding.

    One the factor in ordering a Hermes Birkin Handbag is to try to be sure that what you're buying is usually an authentic Birkin. Due to its high price and scarcity from the Hermes Birkin Handbag there were significant counterfeits or "knock-offs" produced and passed off as authentic Birkins. Seek out a lot of these characteristics before selecting a Hermes Birkin Handbag:

    A Hermes Birkin often increases in value and you will probably not find many sold to get a cheap price. Any handbag claiming becoming a Birkin that sells for as few as 50% from the original value are often fake.
    "Hermes Paris, Stated in France" is going to be blind stamped or gilted in the front face below the tap.
    Make sure you understand that Hermes only uses high-quality leather without having to cheap stuff. Educate yourself on the distinction between look and feel of genuine quality leather and junk leather. You can find a big difference inside them.
    These handbags are handcrafted by skilled craftsmen it shows inside the company's handbag. A Hermes Birkin Handbag would have even stitching but it will Hermes Bags be straight.
    The craftsman also marks and dates all four of manufacture with a square under a good belt. Be sure that the age of manufacture lines on the top of bicycles and condition on the handbag.

    See to it while you order a Hermes Birkin Handbag and perform your due diligence so that you avoid getting cheated from a look alike.

  15. #15
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  16. #16

    Hermes Bags 2013

    What they are called Hermes arose in Greek mythology, the son from the gods Zeus and Maia, the divinity of commerce and invention. However, majority of us will recognize the name Hermes while the great French fashion brand designing upmarket handbags and scarves.

    The luxurious fashion house started its workshop in 1837 by Their Hermes. Hermes this guitar rock band started to provide a small family run business designing and making harnesses to the Hermes Bags royal and elite.Rrt had been Thierry"s son, Charles-mile Herms who began retail sales and moved a shop to its new location. Their grocer remains there today.

    In the early 1920s,Hermes made their mark around the fashion world, by introducing the main ladies handbag that it had a zip fastening. A hundred years later after theluxury brands birth, the famous Hermes scarf appeared. The Hermes scarf has been said to be sold every A short period all around the word. Scarves originate from 220 which enable it to improve to 1100 for that more luxurious materials and designs.

    In time,Hermes have expanded their range launching their unique belt range as well as sports range. It had not been only until 1956 when Hermes made its mark within the handbag sector, with Grace Kelly hiding her pregnancy by having a crocodile Hermes bag the bag was later renamed being the infamous Kelly bag.

    In your seventies, they broke on the men"s market with the first equipped to wear men" scollection. In 1984, the Birkin bagwas designed to forever uphold the Hermes reputation, because the Birkin Bag is about the most fashionable luxurious bags today. You'll find nowover 240 boutiques throughout the world selling the variety of Hermes bags. Hermes now entering all sectors inside of the world of fashion, even having the fragrance range dominates the style world. A lot of unique counterfeits and also other designers searching to Hermes, you can understand Hermes UK similar designs on shopping mall. However, Hermes will almost allways be recognized for their handbag and scarf range.

    Hermes still lives strong with the elite and rich still having the luxury logo and others who could have a smaller budget seeking similar styles elsewhere, the influence is really as great as ever. It may be also said, the influence of Hermes is a lot more than a Chanel and Lv. However, the Chanel handbag range and influences are wide and varied, both Hermes and also have their different mark with designs and practically regarding handbag range.

  17. #17
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  18. #18

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  19. #19
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  20. #20
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  22. #22

  23. #23

    Hermes Constance

    There isn't anything globally that will have a woman feel beautiful for instance a good quality handbag. There's amazing handbags which are designed to make the outfit. The individual frustrating thing about designer handbags simply because are very expensive but the quality is unlike anything you could ever imagine. Hermes handbags are legendary. These amazing handbags have been available for quit some time yet the quality has always stayed similar. The Hermes company started with saddle bags in 1837 and expanded after that you will. Hermes possesses the best known handmade handbags available today.

    Lots of individuals own designer handbags but Hermes handbags don't seem to be your average handbag. Hermes handbags take typically 30 hours to create. They're just made from precisely the best of materials, like leather and crocodile skin. For the reason that aren't your average handbag, average people don't purchase for them. You will discover a waiting list for the people that want a Hermes bag up to Few years. Singers globally and throughout time were known to purchase these amazing handbags. Hermes is recognized for their luxury goods and possess been renowned for selling products to folks like John F. Kennedy, Ingrid Bergman including Sammy Davis.

    Hermes initiated in Paris and are generally now everywhere. They are simply in the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Switzerland and lots of other places. Hermes became famous as they quite simply basically invented the earliest purse by having a zipper. In 1937 Hermes expanded to selling silk scarves and simply went up beyond this concept. They now manufacture then sell riding gloves, women's and men's sportswear, travel trunks, belts and even shoes. This company also sells linens, silverware, furniture and everything else you may want on your home. Simply because they're so famous and recognized for their Hermes Bags quality, movie stars are particularly drawn to the Hermes collection.

    Owning an element that is manufactured by Hermes may be the want each individual the senate is not about fashion. They not only make designer handbags but additionally in addition have a type fragrances and jewellery that could be amazing. The corporation is renowned for it's quality and it's also famous as for the fashion. Stars through the years are actually better known for their beautiful Hermes attire. If you find that it is possible to in the future get one in their amazing designer handbags, you must get about the waiting list today. You'll still have years to await however waiting may be valued at the reward.

    But also for individuals that can't afford the hefty asking price that matches a Hermes bag, or perhaps folks that don't have the patience to have to wait, these day there are many replica handbags which may be used. The standard these replica handbags varies dramatically, considering end up buying, you will need to choose whether you cannot love toughness what want budget friendly bag you can aquire, or if you happen to still need to use a good quality replica handbag. Monetary management quality, real leather, replica handbags still can fetch a hefty price when compared to your run-of-the-mill vinyl handbag. Obviously there are Hermes UK this copy handbag market, in the end you get everything you purchase, so usually good replica bags cost greater nasty looking copy bag.

    For more info consider a blog i like LoveMyReplicaHandbags.com.

    Till when!

  24. #24

    Hermes UK Online

    Will you be a wallet hunter like the majority girls do ? When purchase with friends, the original stuff catches the eyes need to be those fabulous and trendy wallet, if you have, after that you can 't be the one that will invariably miss hermes kelly wallet whichever kind or color of it, it can definitly satisfied you at the most extent along the first sight of seeing it.

    You will find ideas for everyone when scouting for a wallet.First it should have chic style but when you obtain hemers,its Hermes as well as a Kelly, I'm not against the assume that i neeed to talk about more, secondly,one which will endure daily abuse,Thirdly, adequate credit card/ID slots,Fourthly, space for money,last however, not minimal,the functional coin pocket by having an adorable miniature Hermes lock because zipper pull which actually cinched the offer suitable for you almost eveybody globally like adorable things, ever?

    Hermes will not be similar to most brands, to set up a family group working with a powerful brand name character set, but may be a number more versatile and available pattern viewpoint can blend and fit any combination of solitary items, like toys, like no cost 1 hundred ride.

    A significant Hermes collector won't merely buy wallets. There are so many delectable what you should be had and treasured.Hermes stands out as the ultimate luxury brand name and you are going to have the in an identical way whenever you buy a piece of content, on-line is not going to Hermes Bags vanish and also the quality lasts forever.

    I've ever heard a saying which says how the things near you, actually using, all you like will surely reflect your private taste. It really is a trend which we always judge people out of your first impression, not only what she / he is saying,but what the one looks, which kind of bags or watches they are wearing.This may not strange in any respect. Acctually things can always go this way way.If you wish to impress the person you care the more next, you will want to pick one or several pieces from Hermes, Hermes bags,hermes kelly wallet, hermes perfume, etc.

    Accenting a feminine-sophisticated look could be Hermes UK simple as carrying a wallet this way Hermes Kelly Wallet Orchid. Obviously, this eye-catching Hermes bag is extremely feminine not only in design but in orchid shade. To increase that, this Hermes inspired purse is created with high-shine silver detailing, and can show a hint of chic styling.

  25. #25

    Hermes Kelly

    Anyone are speaking about silk scarves, they may easily take a look at Hermes silk scarves, for Hermes is among French luxurious brands which you'll find making the high quality silk scarves. Looking at the birthday in 1937, Hermes silk scarves have won many womens favor. However, the silk scarves from inetsilk come to be increasingly popular internationally Hermes Bags realize it's a huge. So now, I would like to have the comparison between Hermes silk scarves and inetsilk silk scarves in order that we're able to better the right gifts suitable silk scarves for my family, and a lot more important, I have to show that Inetsilk silk scarves is just as good as Hermes silk scarves.

    Firstly, quality has become the secrets of choose silk scarves. It's well-known to all of that Hermes silk scarves enjoys superior quality, plus they're 100% authentic silk, hence they have super smooth touch feeling. As Hermes is its thread weaving method, so its silk scarves are not going to be folded. While Inetsilk silk scarves may also be guaranteed that their silk scarves are 100% authentic silk, which will not lose Hermes silk scarves. Skin very good touch feeling.

    Secondly, both of them have superior design aesthetics. Each Hermes silk scarfs pattern is creative which truly reflect the legendary and mysterious story, that may be incredible why many women are closely asking for Hermes. However, Inetsilk silk scarves patterns will be changeable and full of life, numerous will combine the oriental colors and senses towards the pattern design, now many ladies are crazy obsessed about them. All the methods of Inetsilk silk scarves can be accomplished into the hairdressing, tie, belt, corset, they will be changed to one complete dress, handbag, purse etc.

    Even though are both constructed from 100% authentic silk as well as they've colorful and gorgeous patterns, yet their pricing is distinctive, Hermes are a lot beyond that relate to Hermes UK Inetsilk silk scarves, in so many cases, this money for which you uses to shop for one Hermes silk scarf you can aquire several Inetsilk silk scarves, which is certainly very considerate for womens true benefit. Therefore, it's truth that Hermes silk scarves fall under ghanaians from classy, while Inetsilk silk scarves truly are members of people from different social classes, yet every one has the right to benefit from the prime quality .

    From my above brief introduction, you could safely make out your responsibility so, which one you should choose.

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